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Welcome to Mauritius

Discover tax free shopping in Mauritius!

Elevate your shopping experience with tax refunds and amazing savings. Find a wide range of duty free shops in Mauritius – from luxury brands to local treasures – all complemented by hassle-free tax refunds.

Whether you are looking for luxury brands or authentic souvenirs, Mauritius’ duty free shops cater to every taste. From vibrant markets to designer boutiques, come and experience Mauritius: the ultimate tax free shopping destination.




Experience Mauritius with TravelHub, the island’s top-rated tour operator! ⭐ With 2,000+ glowing reviews on TripAdvisor …
Crystal Car Rental Co Ltd

Crystal Car Rental Co Ltd

Crystal Car Rental is a fully licensed and registered car rental agency in Mauritius, accredited by the National Transpo…
Thomas Cook Mauritius

Thomas Cook Mauritius

Thomas Cook Operations – Intelligent Foreign Exchange Solutions Our Services: Competitive Rates in Foreign Currenc…


Shibani Finance is a private company incorporated in Mauritius on the 18th of March 1997. The main activity of the co…
Pingouin Car Rental

Pingouin Car Rental

Pingouin Car Rental. Pingouin Car Rental is an established car rental agency in Mauritius at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgool…
Ola Mauritius Car Rental

Ola Mauritius Car Rental

OLA Mauritius is a local car rental agency in Mauritius with a reputation of offering high end services at affordable pr…

Traveller's Essentials

Make sure to make the most of your trip to Mauritius with this handy guide of essential information for visitors.

Police – 999/112 | Fire Brigade – 115/995 | Service d`Aide Médicale Urgente (SAMU) – 114

Mauritius caters to diverse tourist needs such as the elderly, wheelchair users and the visually or hearing-impaired tourists.

English and French are spoken throughout the island. Some Mauritians also speak other international languages such as German, Italian and Mandarin.

For full information concerning duty free allowances on entering Mauritius, import permits and restrictions, and other customs regulations, visit the official site of the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA).

The local currency is the Mauritian Rupee (MUR). The denominations for notes are MUR 2000, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50 and 25, and for coins MUR 20, 10, 5 and 1, plus 20 and 5 cent coins (100 cents = MUR 1).

Banks and most hotels, restaurants and tourist shops accept the major international credit cards, such as American Express, MasterCard and Visa.

Mauritius enjoys a relatively mild climate, with moderate temperatures throughout the year and occasional rainfall. The most pleasant times to visit the island are between April and June, and between September and December. For information about the weather forecast and climate in Mauritius: visit the official website of the Mauritius Meteorological Services.

Monday to Thursday: 9.00 to 15.00
Friday: 9.00 to 17.00
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

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MCCI Tax Refund
Make the most of tax refund offers at Mauritius Airport. Start your refund application process today for a seamless shopping experience.